8D Design & Onderzoek

Partners national and international

We collaborate with researchers affiliated with and/or funded by:

8D Games - Partners

Creative interventions for people and society

Game on sexual health

Practice improvement & culturally sensitive care

Shkorey (‘darling’ in Tigrinya) is developing a digital game environment that provides Eritrean newcomers to the Netherlands with information on the human body, sexuality, birth care and raising small children in the Netherlands.

8D Games, together with leading Ghanaian studio Leti Arts, is responsible for the graphic and technical realisation. We also developed the concept for the game in co-creation with young people and healthcare professionals.

Talking about poverty through a serious game

Map poverty issues through play

In the Netherlands, 1 in 9 children grow up in a family with money problems. For many aid agencies, it is difficult to reach these families. The reason is simple: people don’t like to talk about money problems, let alone ask for help. Can a serious game help get a conversation going anyway, even if the subject is difficult or uncomfortable?

In cooperation with welfare organisation KEarN and the municipality of Tytsjerksteradiel, we developed an augmented reality game that initiates a conversation about poverty issues while playing. In one’s own neighbourhood and in a light-hearted way. The results are mapped AVG-proof for aid agencies and the municipality.

How do you bring theoretical knowledge to life?

From research report to card game

A card game is an excellent way to bring theoretical information, like a research report, to life. Want to know what that looks like? Get inspired by Care Trivia, a lively and competitive card game focused on Wmo service procurement. Our designers developed this game in collaboration with researchers from Hanze University of Applied Sciences.

Care Trivia is specifically designed for contract managers, procurement officers, and policy officers at municipalities. The game brings information from “the drawer”—an in-depth module—to life and encourages discussion about various scenarios that can occur during the procurement of Wmo services.

Social Design - 8D
8D Design & Research - Whitepapers

Knowledge is not funnel fodder

At least, we think so. Together with partners, we like to create informative white papers and webinars. These are freely available, without leaving contact details. We do like to hear whether our knowledge base has given you new ideas and what information you are still missing as a researcher. 

“We chose a serious game so that the content of our manual wouldn’t just be another report on the pile. It invites people to engage with the topic in a different, more playful way.”

Case: From research report to card game: Care Trivia!

Dr. Gepke Veenstra

Docent-onderzoeker bij Lectoraat Duurzaam Financieren en Ondernemen

“Collaborating with 8D has been a very pleasant experience. Their commitment and approach to both work and effective communication are setting a new standard for collaboration among project partners.”

Blaž Ferjančič

Chair of Meat Technology and Food Assessment

“Thanks to their ‘fun’ factor, games can be a very nice way to start the dialogue in an accessible way and in this way stimulate multidisciplinary cooperation. If those games can also be played online, any logistical and organizational barriers will also be removed. For our project, that was the perfect combination.“

Case: eZoon

Dr. Nienke Beerlage-de Jong

Assistent Professor

“While playing the games, the patients were much less aware of their complaints, so they moved more freely. Shifting the focus clearly offers opportunities. In this case, the name ‘serious gaming’ is incorrect: it makes the exercises less serious and takes the sting out of it.“

Case: The Skating Game | Research project

Lise Beumeler

Promovenda Rijksunversiteit Groningen (Campus Fryslân)

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