International partnerships

Many of the societal challenges we address transcend national borders, which is why we actively seek international collaboration. This creates synergy and increases our impact. We have successfully initiated projects within the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships program and, over the past years, have served as design partner and work package lead in more than twenty-five European consortia. Are you working on a project proposal and looking for partners for an EU call? Contact Sven to discuss how our expertise can strengthen your project. We’re also happy to contribute ideas for project design. Incorporating a design approach into your proposal may be challenging, but it’s absolutely possible!

Europese partnerships

Our expertise

Consortium building

Work package leadership

We lead work packages in the areas of research and fieldwork, such as data collection through co-design sessions or focus groups. In addition, we have extensive expertise in creative development, ranging from concept development and prototyping to graphic and technical implementation.


What does the target audience need to continue using the project’s results in their daily work or life over the long term? This question cannot be asked too early. As a partner—in any role—we always consider implementability as a key design framework.

Europese partnerships
Europese partnerships
Europese partnerships


8D works as a consortium partner in (research) projects funded by various European programs. This role has developed organically, as our creative solutions and collaborative approach with target audiences align closely with today’s most pressing challenges. These include the digital transition, the energy transition, and the strengthening of democratic and inclusive communities—key themes where the European Union emphasizes the importance of transnational and interdisciplinary collaboration. We are proud to contribute to these efforts!

European consortia

“Very professional and very patient team, who can communicate well even in contradictory situations.”

Case: ACBC

Csilla Lazar

Spektrum Educational Center Foundation

“Collaborating with 8D has been a very pleasant experience. Their commitment and approach to both work and effective communication are setting a new standard for collaboration among project partners.”

Blaž Ferjančič

Chair of Meat Technology and Food Assessment

“I experience the people at 8D Games as charismatic and passionate. In addition, they work in a very structured way. Leti Arts has done quite a few international collaborations before and those were not all such a smooth ride like Shkorey has been so far.”

Case: Game on sexual health

Eyram Tawia


“I have only positive things to say about the collaboration with 8D-Games. They have created games with high level of quality. We are collaborating for the ACBC project and their contribution is very important.”

Case: ACBC

Maria Skoufi

Senior Project Management

8D collaborates with experts, innovators, and researchers across more than twenty-five European countries. All skilled professionals eager to share their experience in international collaboration and work together to secure funding for societal projects.

United Kingdom
Czech Republic

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