Serious games for research
Serious Games as a Research Tool Games as a Method Serious games can contribute to scientific research in many different ways and at many different stages. Think of collecting quantitative…
Collaboration and effective communication can make or break an organization. The Municipality of Groningen understands this well. In 2017, the municipality approached 8D with a pioneering question: can gaming improve the collaboration and communication between our departments so that we can better prepare together for the implementation of the new Dutch ‘Environmental Act’?
Maarten likes to think along!
With the Environmental Act, which was introduced in 2024, the Dutch government simplified and consolidated the rules for spatial development. The Municipality of Groningen wanted to prepare its employees well for the implementation of this act. They aimed to improve communication and collaboration between departments to expedite the processing of applications under the new Environmental Act.
In 2017, the municipality approached 8D Games to explore whether serious gaming could contribute to this ambition. There was a need for an innovative approach to provide employees with more insight into their roles within the broader context of the Environmental Act. Also, the partners wished to raise awareness about the importance of good collaboration between departments.
During the entire development process, 8D closely collaborated with the involved departments of the municipality of Groningen to achieve the best possible result. During test sessions, we observed the effect of the game on the players and used these insights to further optimize the gameplay. Our colleagues from the Master of Serious Gaming program (NHL Stenden) also participated in the game development process, trying out the game and engaging in mutual knowledge exchange on serious gaming strategies as a means to create behavioral change.
In the game, four to five players work together to build a rocket. Each player has their own task and uses a tablet or smartphone. The essence of the collaboration game is that players must prioritize the team mission over their individual tasks. Only then will the rocket travel the farthest. The better the players collaborate—communication being essential—the more successful the mission and the farther the rocket will go.
On May 7, 2021, the collaboration game for the Muncipality of Groningen was officially launched. Thanks to serious gaming, the organisation has taken a significant step in improving communication among its employees. Hessel Luxen from the Municipality of Groningen says: “The game gives us insight into our current approach and serves as a starting point for discussions about roles, tasks, and responsibilities. 8D taught us that learning skills in a completely different environment provides valuable insights into our daily workflows. By playing the game, employees actively consider their roles in the process. You might quickly complete your individual missions in the game, but that doesn’t mean you can sit back and relax. If the team missions aren’t accomplished, you won’t reach Saturn. This principle applies just as much in our work. Engaging with it in this way is very valuable.” (Source: news article Groninger Krant) This project demonstrates that innovative approaches, such as serious gaming, are not only fun and appealing but also effectively help solve complex issues and promote effective collaboration in a professional environment.
Maarten will be happy to tell you about our innovative approach
Launch your project together with us. We will work together with you, your target audience, and all involved to establish a solid foundation for your game or gamification. More competence, less risk.