VR training ‘Resuscitation of newborn babies’

Safe practice in virtual reality

In collaboration with Leeuwarden Medical Centre, we are working on a virtual reality training on newborn infant resuscitation. The aim: to offer doctors and nurses an accessible way to practise the procedures of newborn resuscitation.

The power of this healthcare innovation

Secure virtual environment to practice procedures
Changing scenarios with active stress moments
Regularly refresh knowledge from group training (individual)
Want to know more about this project?

Call +31(0) 58 843 57 57

Mail giel@8d-games.nl

Giel is happy to tell you more!

VR CPR training baby

Can virtual reality support healthcare professionals in teaching resuscitation techniques?

It is a situation you don’t really want to think about, but as a healthcare professional you have to be prepared for anyway: resuscitating a newborn baby. In cooperation with MCL, we are investigating how virtual reality can help teach (and especially maintain) this skill.  After all, repetition ensures that you can really master something yourself.

VR training is not intended to replace training, but rather to encourage the maintenance of this skill. Professionals can go through the steps and protocols involved in resuscitating a baby more regularly in virtual reality. At a time that suits them, in the most realistic way possible and without the need for group members.


During a Start-up course – together with nurses – a number of bottlenecks were first identified. Currently, the protocols for resuscitating a newborn baby are taught during group training. Practice is done with a doll. Many trainees appear to experience tension when they have to practise this skill in a group setting; it is a loaded subject and it is exciting when colleagues are watching you. Also, it simply takes a lot of time to organise the training, so in practice it happens less often than desired.

A training in virtual reality can help with this kind of bottleneck: the experience is immersive and professionals can refresh their knowledge of the protocol in VR individually – at any time that suits them. Of course, it is important here that the experience is as representative as possible. To get as much of a feel for it as possible, our development team went to a regular group training session itself. Incredibly instructive and it generated many new ideas for the VR experience!

In preparation for the development of the VR experience, our project team itself attended the ‘resuscitation of newborn babies’ course at MCL

‘Zelf meedoen aan zo’n training geeft ons een beter beeld van de reanimatieprotocollen die we gaan simuleren in VR, en vooral: in welke opzichten VR echt iets kan toevoegen aan het leerproces.’

Case: VR training ‘Resuscitation of newborn babies’

Giel Hekkert

Creative Director 8D Games


We are currently working on the wireframes of the VR training course ‘Newborn CPR’. A wireframe is a visual representation of the construction of the virtual reality experience. Which scenarios does the user see when, what actions and skills are involved? We aim to develop a virtual reality experience that lasts about 15 minutes in total, is realistic and responds to common stressors that may occur in the moment. With the power of repetition, we ensure that healthcare professionals are well prepared for critical situations.

VR training for resuscitation of newborn babies is still in development. Follow us on LinkedIN to keep up to date with progress!

Wireframe session with healthcare professionals MCL
Want to know more about the potential of VR for healthcare?

Call 058 843 57 57

Mail maarten@8d-games.nl

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