Webinar | Healthcare, Research and Serious Gaming

Interested in the possibilities of serious gaming in healthcare and research, and want to know more about the process of doing PhD research in this field? On July 5, 2023, we hosted a live webinar on this topic. Missed it? No worries, we’ve recorded the session! Watch it below.

In this engaging webinar, postdoctoral researcher Lise Beumeler (Campus Fryslân – RUG, Medisch Centrum Leeuwarden) and Johan van der Meulen (co-owner and Innovation Director of 8D Games) share valuable insights into the testing and implementation of healthcare technology. They discuss the collaborative process of doing PhD research in the field of healthcare and answer a lot of (very good!) questions from the audience. The webinar was skilfully moderated by Rowan-Niels Spinder, relationship officer at Campus Fryslân.

Some of the topics addressed in the webinar:

How do you get started? On funding, measuring data and involving patients
What are the challenges and best practices?
Testing and implementation of healthcare technology
Webinar: healthcare, research

Who are we?

Lise Beumeler

Lise Beumeler (Campus Fryslân – RUG, Medisch Centrum Leeuwarden) dedicated her PhD research to the recovery of patients after critical illness at the ICU. This led to an exciting partnership with 8D Games. The result: a custom virtual reality game supporting patients with rehabilitation exercises. Read more about the project here!

Johan van der Meulen

As co-owner and Innovation Director of 8D, Johan van der Meulen is an expert in creating serious games for healthcare and education. He started his career as a programmer, but gradually focused more and more on design thinking and research. How can we bridge the gap between science and applied products that really make a difference for people? 

Want to work together with Campus Fryslân?

Do you have a specific (business) question that is suitable for scientific research or are you facing a social problem that requires further study? Are you looking for enthusiastic students for a part-time job or internship? Contact relationship officer Rowan Niels Spinder. He’s happy to link you to our young international talents with knowledge of the latest scientific trends and developments!

Read more here.

(Re)watch the webinar below

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