Want to have a game developed?

The Start Track will help you get started

Suppose you have a great idea for a serious game. But then? Where do you start? How do you find your way through all the technical concepts? And how do you know for sure that there is support for this solution? As a client, it is exciting to immediately embark on a long-term development process. That is why we offer a separate Start Track. Together with you, the end user, we answer all the important questions and make the idea as tangible as possible.

The benefits

From abstract idea to tangible creative concept
Creates support among end users and stakeholders
Reduces risks and saves costs
Questions? Need a sparring partner?

Call 058 843 57 57

Mail johan@8d-games.nl

Johan likes to think along!

What does the Start Track look like?

The lead time of our Start-up Programme is on average 6 to 8 weeks. At the end of the process you will have a solid blueprint for your serious game. Is this not the right solution for your challenge? No worries: you are free to build further on the results yourself.

View the brochure

Download our comprehensive brochure to read more about all the steps we take in the Start-up process.

“Het was verrijkend om met 8D Games over onze onderzoeksthema’s te praten. Het team kwam met creatieve invalshoeken en brainstormtechnieken. Dit leverde voor ons weer nieuwe ideeën en inzichten op.”

Annelies Kassenberg

Lector Jeugd en Leefomgeving bij Hanzehogeschool Groningen

“Tijdens de ontwikkelfase konden we vertrouwen op de expertise van 8D Games en daardoor de vaart maken die nodig was bij dit project.”

Case: Data Detox Game

Wai-See Bos


“Tijdens het spelen waren de patiënten zich veel minder bewust van hun klachten, waardoor zij zich vrijer bewogen. Het verleggen van de focus biedt duidelijk mogelijkheden. In dit geval is de naam ‘serious gaming’ dus onjuist, het maakt de oefeningen juist minder serieus; haalt de angel eruit.”

Lise Beumeler

Promovenda Rijksunversiteit Groningen (Campus Fryslân)

These organisations already have a game developed by us

Can you learn Supported Communication (SC) through a game?

Supported Communication Game

Discovering words and meanings together

Supported Communication (SC) is the use of alternative forms of communication for people who do not speak or speak with difficulty. With Stichting Deelkracht, we are investigating how a serious game can support parents and professionals in finding a suitable form of SC, together with the child.

There is a lot of knowledge about SC, but this knowledge does not always reach parents and professionals. Moreover, the communication problems are very diverse. This makes it difficult for parents and professionals to actually start with SC. Read here how we want to change that.


Can you learn Supported Communication (SC) through a game?

Together with Province of Friesland and SFBO, we are researching – through gaming and prototyping – ways to stimulate the use of Frisian among young children. How do you effectively…

Practice reading and spreaking in a playfull way

Together with the Centre for Language and Speech Technology at Radboud University Nijmegen, 8D Games conducted research into the use of speech technology and gaming to promote language skills in…

How to increase biking enjoyment among children

Cycling is healthy, we all know that. But how do you make a cycling trip interesting and feasible for young families? For the Province of Groningen, we investigated what games…

Sparren over een starttraject?

Een gesprek werkt verhelderend, heb je veel vragen, neem contact op! Johan, Maarten en Jeanneau drinken graag een bakje koffie met jou om te kijken hoe jij kan starten met het ontwikkelen van een serious game en welke stappen hierbij komen kijken.

Abonneer je op onze nieuwsbrief